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John O'Shei - 2014-06-16

Who cares about what a country did in the past? Besides, Egypt had a far greater culture going on at least 500 years before the Chinese regardless of what your stupid propaganda people tell you. Not to mention, you don't get people declaring Egypt to be the most advanced society in the world with a superior culture simply because of past achievements, do you?

As for Westerners still being monkeys...

The Chinese script is about 3,700 years old; the alphabet, in its earliest form, is a little older. Writing systems in Egypt and Mesopotamia predate Chinese writing by a millennium. The "Western" culture of today can trace its roots to Egypt and Mesopotamia 5,000 years ago, where early civilization was far more advanced than in China at that time.

The peoples of India, the Near East and Europe may have changed their rulers, their religions, their states and even their names - but so have the Chinese. And like the peoples of the Near East, they have succumbed to successive foreign conquests while retaining their own identity. While Indo-European peoples such as the Celts and Germans moved around dramatically, they did so within an area comparable in size to modem China.


Everyone in Beijing knows that Chinese civilization has 5,000 years of uninterrupted history, a truism proudly repeated by schoolchildren and President Jiang Zemin alike. But as serious scholars have long conceded, hard proof of the first 2,000 years is missing.

"There's a chauvinistic desire to push the historical record back into the third millennium B.C., putting China on a par with Egypt," said Edward L. Shaughnessy, a historian at the University of Chicago. "It's much more a political and nationalistic urge than a scholarly one."


But I'm not a historian, I'm more interested in current developments, more recent modern history and how it will affect the future.

These comments from Ni Bing and Mumu Wang (http://youtu.be/Xx1kPes0O84?t=9m42s), Zhang Youdai and Mumu Wang; once again (http://youtu.be/Xx1kPes0O84?t=26m45s) explain what kind of damage the cultural revolution had upon Chinese culture and mainland China's current identity crisis of sorts quite well.

Messages In This Thread
Good advice to foreign teachers in China -- Genuine boxiangjiaopi -- 2014-06-13
Re Good advice to foreign teachers in China -- zài Devon de nà yí gè xiū xi shì de Bob -- 2014-06-13
Re Good advice to foreign teachers in China -- Highlander -- 2014-06-13
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