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John O'Shei - 2014-06-21

Some good points were made there. However... Chinese people will often use these examples as reasons to defend the bad behaviour of some of their country's people.

It is an emotional thing, nobody likes people to criticise those who they love and almost every human being around the world loves their own country by default (myself included). They'll happily criticize their own country themselves like it is their own naughty child; but take great offence if an outsider dares to make the same kind of statement against it.

However as far as those issues regarding the unethical treatment of workers in concerned: Corrupt leaders connected to corrupt officials that believe themselves to be untouchable; may find themselves hanging from a rope before too long. Unfortunately, China is cracking down on dissent and the freedom of speech now more than ever, but at the same time taking a stand against those who flaunt their power and wealth recklessly; there's quite the big PR exercise going on there these days. People know that there's something wrong (in many areas, such as wealth inequality and corruption), the government know it too and nobody knows what the end result is going to be.

BUT... There are other issues at large now. There is a movement against the influence of foreign culture these days. Foreign teachers will be heavily affected by this in terms of treatment, lower salaries with higher requirements, removed of responsibilities that are given to local Chinese teachers, etc.

In my opinion, all that foreign teachers can do is seek employment outside of China if they still wish to teach; or find other non-teaching opportunities within China. China may at least continue to grow in terms of economic strength or political power, it may be worth staying, but only if you find the right opportunity.

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Re Once there was a computer motherboard factory in Shenzhen -- John O'Shei -- 2014-06-21
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