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Frederick Dibnah - 2014-07-28
In response to Re Why not leave? (John O'Shei)

If you wasn't such an uneducated mong, benefits would be a last resort, not a lifestyle choice.

Sure, I'm not a huge fan of the establishment back home, but I don't feel any need to blame them when things go wrong.

If Turnoi can play grammar nazi so shall I.

If you was not, and by the way, mong is derogatory, just saying, nothing personal, but for my own reasons. Why can benefits not be a lifestyle choice? One bloke I knew managed to fly to China on them, and lived ok in the UK on them in the meantime, as the americans say, don't hate the player, hate the game!!

We get enough immigrants leeching the system, I say play the system back and have two holidays per year, xboxes, booze, big tv's and just don't work.

Glad to hear you are not a fan of the system however!

Messages In This Thread
Why not leave? -- martin Hainan -- 2014-07-22
Re Why not leave? -- Kevin -- 2014-07-25
Re Why not leave? -- John O' Shei -- 2014-07-25
Re Why not leave? -- Yáng -- 2014-07-24
Re Why not leave? -- John O' Shei -- 2014-07-22
Re Why not leave? -- random -- 2014-07-22
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