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Polly - 2006-02-06
In response to Job Hoax from Egypt? (moonbeam)

The school previously known as AISE 2000 and I think currently known as Nermine Ismael Language Schools American Program does in fact exist, but should be avoided. Please read closely the warning about this school from the School Watch website.

I am writing to warn any teachers out there who might be considering taking a position at AISE 2000, also known as Nermine Ismael Language Schools in Cairo, Egypt. This school is highly disorganized and treats its teachers poorly. The majority of the staff, as well as the adminstration and owner, are not qualified educators. The school is new but is quickly becoming known in Cairo as a poor quality institution. Teachers are hired and quit and break contracts regularly due to their mistreatment. The school will promise to provide you with medical insurance and a legal proper work Visa, but does not follow through. Salaries are often short money and are paid out irregularly. Staff morale is low as the demands on teachers are extreme. Work hours are from 6am until 4:30pm. The adminstrator is a poor manager and often yells at staff and students, because of her inexperience in the field of education. In addition the administrations behavior is unprofessional and often borders on sexual and emotional harassment. This school is advertised to prospective teachers and parents as a true "American Program", but lacks resources, curriculum and has very few foreign staff members. After working at this school I learned that I was simply a "white" face to show parents in order to collect their money. I would be happy to provide anyone interested with further information about this school and my personal experience if interested. Feel free to email me at school_warning@hotmail.com. Good luck on your job search! Cheers!
Another note about AISE 2000/Nermine Ismael Language Schools.... The principals name is Amy McMahon and she should be avoided. She is not a qualified educator and in fact, has never worked in an actual American school. She will do a great job of selling her school at job fairs, but what she says cannot be trusted. All of her foreign hired teachers have felt deceived after they arrived and began working for her. Her behavior is wholly inappropriate and borders on sexual and emotional harassment. She manages the school on a minute to minute basis, as she has no qualifications or know how as to how to organize and run a school program. She does not hear staff concerns and has been part of stealing from teachers personal belongings and withholding salary. She is not a positive or enjoyable person to work with or for. In the past this school has advertised online and attended the Search Associates Job Fair in Maryland.

Messages In This Thread
Job Hoax from Egypt? -- moonbeam -- 2004-06-16
Re: Job Hoax from Egypt? -- Amy McMahon -- 2004-06-16
Re: Job Hoax from Egypt? -- moonbeam -- 2004-06-19
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