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Rheno747 - 2006-02-15
In response to HOPELESSLY ALL-ESL - Teachers discussion (Ellis E. Seamone)

Mr. Seamone, I have been wondering what happened to you. I've become a fan of yours over the 8-9 months I've been posting here. I, for one, look forward to reading your posts. It's a breath of fresh air from even my own posts. You see, I'm fed up with a lot of this already, and I've not been doing it for even two years. This is because I have come to view TEFL for what it really is: a business environment in which very few students actully learn or even want to learn, and even fewer people 'in charge' of it all who don't care about anything beyond money.

I came into TEFL thinking I could 'save' my students from sweatshops, motorcycle taxis, whorehouses, et. al. Those were the days, man.

Today, after enduring 20+ months experience teaching , I see my role teaching here in Asia as being limited at best. Thanks to an unresponsive education system, inept administrators and government officials, and apathetic, lazy students, I see now I'm more or less just a babysitter, as are my colleagues. My students really don't care about learning English. All they want is the degree with as very little work as possible.

My brethren and I are also in lots of brochures advertising our 'world class English ability' to the (rich?) parents of our college's students. Yeap, we're playing the billboard game. Walking billboard, that is. And we're sick of it.

Save me from reality, Mr. S!

Messages In This Thread
HOPELESSLY ALL-ESL - Teachers discussion -- Ellis E. Seamone -- 2006-02-14
Don't go disappearing on us like that - Teachers discussion -- Rheno747 -- 2006-02-15
Thank you for the warm "Welcome Home." - Teachers discussion -- Ellis E. Seamone -- 2006-02-16
Thank you for the good read, Mr. Seamone - Teachers discussion -- Rheno747 -- 2006-02-17
View Thread · Previous · Next Return to Index › Don't go disappearing on us like that - Teachers discussion

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