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Ellis E. Seamone - 2006-02-16

My dear Mr. Rheno,

I was hoping that you would be the first to reply to my latest post on The Board. You see, I have likewise become a fan of yours and have always regarded you as a prolific writer in your own right. As for my absence from the scene, in view of your frustration after only a few years in the TEFL game, Im certain you can appreciate my deserving some kind of break from the entire mess ... especially after over 15 years of exposure!

No, it doesnt take an overly-astute mentality to see TEFL for what it really is: a cunning methodology which greedy school owners sell to their students in the format of key to the future, but for which the greater majority have neither penchant nor objective past the dream of increased material gain, international travel, or even foreign marriage. Like yourself, I once had high ideals about my role in teaching Englishespecially on a higher level where I truly believed the students to be sincere in their interest in playing a serious part in world communication through use of our universal tongue. But, it doesnt take a Rhodes Scholar to soon learn the real scoop on the truer intentions of the masses, e.g., the quickest and least expensive route to stardom. I reckon its safe to conclude that, as the generations march onward, theres less and less room for the truly dedicated or am I grossly mistaken?

Finally, that babysitting shtick you mentioned is soooooo truewhich is the basic reason why I no longer work at TEFL overseas not that its really that much different in this neck of the woods. Its just that Im much more familiar with defending myself on thisthe home turf. Dear friend, Rheno albeit there is every logical reason why we should have long ago abandoned this ESL malarky, were still a part of it because we truly love itand Im not referring to the moola, the wonderful employers, or even our scholarly students nay, nay! Its just gotta be our innate sense of responsibilityergo our sense of professional obligationthe one thing that keeps all professionals on their jobs, through thick and thinthrough good times and bad. And from the number of posts you have been steadily contributing to our causeas good, bad, or indifferent as it might beit isnt all that difficult to tell that, like myself and so many other somewhat disillusioned folks like us, you really care and are nonetheless willing to at least attempt to encourage corrective measures. I salute you, Mr. Rheno, as well as all others of us who are not afraid to speak up for improvement.

Viva ESL!

Ellis E. Seamone
(formerly The Arrogant One)

Messages In This Thread
HOPELESSLY ALL-ESL - Teachers discussion -- Ellis E. Seamone -- 2006-02-14
Don't go disappearing on us like that - Teachers discussion -- Rheno747 -- 2006-02-15
Thank you for the warm "Welcome Home." - Teachers discussion -- Ellis E. Seamone -- 2006-02-16
Thank you for the good read, Mr. Seamone - Teachers discussion -- Rheno747 -- 2006-02-17
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