View Thread · Previous · Next Return to Index › 29-year-old Chinese 'man-baby' sues parents for not financially supporting him
re - 2014-09-08

In China, a man and his wife practiced some tough love and kicked their adult child out of the house.

Now their 29-year-old unemployed son is suing them for not taking care of his financial needs.

Kuang Zhengxuan has become rather infamous on Chinese social media for expecting his parents to continue financially supporting him at almost 30. His decision to sue his parents for neglecting to fund his lazy lifestyle earned him the unfortunate nickname of “man-baby.”

According to news reports, Kuang’s parents grew tired of his mooching — they claim he refused to work and spent most of his time sleeping and playing with his cell phone — so they asked him to move out.

"I cannot continue to financially support my 29-year-old son," Kuang’s father, a migrant worker, explained.


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29-year-old Chinese 'man-baby' sues parents for not financially supporting him -- re -- 2014-09-08
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