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Beth - 2014-09-22

How can one person be so contradictory in one post..

First we have the altruistic..

Some people may always have the "thick skull" they have shown to have. The good side of the coin is that they cannot be bought over and that they won't sell out their 200 y/o grandmother or soul for the sake of filthy money alone and that they cannot be corrupted. Very much different from the self-sell-outs who are EF teachers, corporate lackeys of crappy businesses and defenders of shitty businesses

Then a whole long rant about how I get paid peanuts and need to earn more money!

You'd better look for some extra private lessons to add some more decent money, earned by hard and honest work, to add a bit to the relatively low income your training centre is paying you!

If the same is below 2000 Euros after tax, then they would pay you peanuts for all the hard work you are doing for them. A uni professor in my country would, on the other hand, get between 6000 - 7500 Euros each month for a weekly teaching load of 8 hours + extra work in research, committee work, counseling students, etc. Not too difficult a job if you love it and if you are really qualified for it. Just to put things a bit in perspective for you.

So which is it, Turnoi?! Money grabbing corporate lackey or underpaid and overworked?! It can't possibly be both!

And do stop bleating on about university teaching being the pinnacle we should all be striving for... I enjoy teaching young learners, why on earth would I want to work in a place that ruled that age group out?! Not everyone segregates education in to important age groups and unimportant age groups, as you do.

Just think, you wouldn't be able to teach your advanced level English at a university if a YL teacher hadn't taught your students up to that level to begin with! Or do you think students turn 18 and can suddenly speak and understand advanced or upper-intermediate English?!

Messages In This Thread
Re Some ideas for a clearer forum. -- Beth -- 2014-09-22
Re Some ideas for a clearer forum. -- Concerned Teacher -- 2014-09-23
Re Some ideas for a clearer forum. -- Beth -- 2014-09-23
Re Some ideas for a clearer forum. -- Concerned Teacher -- 2014-09-24
Re Some ideas for a clearer forum. -- Beth -- 2014-09-24
Re Some ideas for a clearer forum. -- Beth -- 2014-09-24
Re motivation -- Walking Dead -- 2014-09-24
Re motivation -- Beth -- 2014-09-24
Re motivation -- Walking Dead -- 2014-09-24
Re motivation -- Beth -- 2014-09-24
Re: Re Some ideas for a clearer forum. -- BeenThere -- 2014-09-23
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