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MikeK - 2014-09-23
In response to Question for LondonGirl (Fifi)

Unless Training Centres anywhere, even those who offer Cambridge ESOL course, are properly regulated by a Ministry of Education with regular and unannounced inspections by officials (who cannot be bribed) and have teaching staff who hold recognised and properly accredited Education based qualifications then they are a blight on a childs educational growth.

Ok.. I know that there are lot of dedicated qualified teachers working in Training Centres but I'll bet these people are outweighed by the Khao San Road style 120 hour TEFL course with added fake B.Ed Degree with the University's and/or teacher's name spelt wrong.

Training Centres exist due to so called market forces where some business man or woman supplies to the assumed need with supermarket style discounts for education, which produces all the timewasting incompetent Recruitment Agencies and TEFL "Schools" to supply the Training Centres with cheap labour becaue market forces dictate that profits can only be made with the lowest expenditure or sales income.

Messages In This Thread
Question for LondonGirl -- Fifi -- 2014-09-21
Re Question for LondonGirl -- MikeK -- 2014-09-23
Re Question for LondonGirl -- Beth -- 2014-09-23
Re: Re Question for LondonGirl -- Fifi -- 2014-09-23
Re Question for LondonGirl -- Walking Dead -- 2014-09-23
Re Question for LondonGirl -- Beth -- 2014-09-23
Re Question for LondonGirl -- Beth -- 2014-09-22
Re Question for LondonGirl -- Curious -- 2017-04-12
Re Question for LondonGirl -- Concerned Teacher -- 2014-09-23
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