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Concerned Teacher - 2014-09-24
In response to Re Some ideas for a clearer forum. (Beth)

Quite apart from the horrific generalisations about the mindset of Spanish children

Only horrific to you,not to everyone else.

You have no idea what teaching YL is.

Oh I think you will find I do. I probably taught at more middle schools in China than you EVER did!

I'm not sure why you feel the need to make education so divisive?

And why do you seem intent on creating division on here?

Some people like teaching YL, some people like teaching adults.

Fair enough. No worries on that score.

Both are equally valid.

Correct...but I still maintain kids at a training centre is all about the profit motive, and nowt much else. Everyone gets scammed.

You would be unable to teach your conversational adult classes if a YL teacher hadn't got your students to that level in the first place.

Possibly, but I don't lay awake and analyze things like that.

Perhaps because you are not motivating or engaging enough?

Perhaps, or perhaps they are just ill mannered little emperors who think everything should be handed to them?

You can't blame lack of desire to learn on the student

Actually I can. Chinese women are leaders and managers in every sense of the word, Chinese boys are lazy and are spoiled my mummy and daddy. Chinese women know they have to work hard to succeed, or else be a rich mans whore, while he has an "er nai" in the ktv or elsewhere.

you have to inspire them to learn, that is your job.

Who was the EF DOS who drummed this into you? ESL in China is not a job, and I am resolutely not sorry for stating that fact. Your thinking is so small here, it is a hiatus or a holiday, nothing more. Working at EF is NOT a Career!!!!! Not one student remembers you after you are gone, not one, and certainly no other EF staff will.

You are clearly more interested in your female students than you are the male students

Yes because they are better at listening, speaking and writing and just in terms of general manners better than chinese boys in everywhere. Ask even some female FT's at public jobs, they will say the same. You never worked at a public job, so you cannot comment on this.

perhaps if you didn't treat your classes as a meat market (see below) then the boys might feel more engaged with your lessons.

I do not treat them as a meat market, you are stuffing words into my mouth again. Dating EX- student females is ok however. Nothing wrong with that. As for the boys who are prepared to knuckle down, not behave like a pig, and be polite, then yes I have time for them.

You should be focusing on their education, not wondering what they'll be like in bed.

Wrong. I actually prefer to date chinese female teachers, or you will be saying that is wrong also?

Messages In This Thread
Re Some ideas for a clearer forum. -- Beth -- 2014-09-22
Re Some ideas for a clearer forum. -- Concerned Teacher -- 2014-09-23
Re Some ideas for a clearer forum. -- Beth -- 2014-09-23
Re Some ideas for a clearer forum. -- Concerned Teacher -- 2014-09-24
Re Some ideas for a clearer forum. -- Beth -- 2014-09-24
Re Some ideas for a clearer forum. -- Beth -- 2014-09-24
Re motivation -- Walking Dead -- 2014-09-24
Re motivation -- Beth -- 2014-09-24
Re motivation -- Walking Dead -- 2014-09-24
Re motivation -- Beth -- 2014-09-24
Re: Re Some ideas for a clearer forum. -- BeenThere -- 2014-09-23
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