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Beth - 2014-09-24
In response to Re Some ideas for a clearer forum. (Concerned Teacher)

No, it's horrific to the overwhelming majority. It's only you and your gang on here that think calling all children brats and all the other things you do is acceptable. The rest of the population would agree with my assessment of 'horrific generalisation'.

Teaching at a middle school in China is not the same as teaching YL on the CEFR scale. Come back to me when you've guided a class of 13/14 year olds through an PET exam. Or 15/16 year olds through an FCE.

TCs might all be about profit for the owners, but it's not the case for the teachers. Another example of you lot being unable to differentiate basic concepts.

It's good you don't like awake at night analyzing the relatively common sense notion that in order for a university age students to arrive at uni speaking upper-intermediate English, that they.must have been taught that by a YL teacher! If that was a conundrum to you, I'd be worried!

I disagree completely at your assessment of both male and female Chinese students, that's just another generalisation and certainly not indicative of ALL students. More lazy sweeping statements.

No DoS drummed the idea that a teachers job is to inspire their students. Like a lot of teachers I know, that came from having a wonderful teacher as a child who has stayed with them forever. I was lucky enough to have a couple who I still regularly think about, and thank them for encouraging and supporting me through a very difficult time in my life. That's the power of a good teacher.

I do not treat them as a meat market, you are stuffing words into my mouth again.
No, I'm not...

And if they are all girls or mostly girls the better. I like to date ex female students so getting their phone numbers is good for me
Messages In This Thread
Re Some ideas for a clearer forum. -- Beth -- 2014-09-22
Re Some ideas for a clearer forum. -- Concerned Teacher -- 2014-09-23
Re Some ideas for a clearer forum. -- Beth -- 2014-09-23
Re Some ideas for a clearer forum. -- Concerned Teacher -- 2014-09-24
Re Some ideas for a clearer forum. -- Beth -- 2014-09-24
Re Some ideas for a clearer forum. -- Beth -- 2014-09-24
Re motivation -- Walking Dead -- 2014-09-24
Re motivation -- Beth -- 2014-09-24
Re motivation -- Walking Dead -- 2014-09-24
Re motivation -- Beth -- 2014-09-24
Re: Re Some ideas for a clearer forum. -- BeenThere -- 2014-09-23
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