Beth - 2014-10-01
In response to Rip-off (Macbeth's Parrot)

They way they rip you off is this: They charge their customers (not "students") horrendous fees and pay their deechers or teachers only peanuts and pocket most of the cash themselves. Corporate bosses and their lackeys like DOSes, so-called "Department Heads", and the like.
Oh Turnoi, can't use your own name?!

No, they have students. Who pay tuition fees. The same as your university students do. The same as parents pay enrollment fees to state schools. If charging tuition fees makes students customers, then that is true for every educational body that also charges tuition fees. Your argument is hollow and one-sided.

Reputable schools pay a very decent and competitive rate for qualified teachers. But I will not be drawn in to giving you details of my salary, I don't teach for the money, I teach because I love teaching. It's only you lot who bemoan the private schools of only being concerned with 'filthy money' and then complain about low salaries for yourselves. I live comfortably, I do a job I love. Simple.

Are you suggesting that only private schools have heads of departments?! Because I'm pretty sure that most high schools, colleges and universities have heads of year (department) and heads of subjects (another department) who oversee the running of those departments to ensure the smooth running of the school? For example I look after the YL teachers, I make sure they have all the materials they need, I deal with any student absences or discipline issues, I collate term reports and I assist with exam preparation and planning. The general English (adults) have their own head who does the same as I do for the YL. I'm unsure why you appear to think this is a bad thing?!

As for the fees charged, please provide evidence of these 'horrendous' fees that you have dreamed up? You have absolutely no idea how much each school charges, you're just throwing out emotive words to distract from the fact you have no idea what you're talking about!

Messages In This Thread
Re Cleaning up the ESL industry! -- Beth -- 2014-09-30
Re Cleaning up the ESL industry! -- Concerned Teacher -- 2014-10-01
Rip-off -- Macbeth's Parrot -- 2014-10-01
Re Rip-off -- Concerned Teacher -- 2014-10-01
Re Rip-off -- Beth -- 2014-10-01

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