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The Arrogant One - 2006-03-07

Dear Mr. Wu,

I'll have you know I had to read your letter over more than a few times to finally get the gist of what you were trying to say. Although your first 3 paragraphs were dead-on, I find I have a few qualms with the second half of your post.

Granted there will always be the charlatans in any EFL group conscripted by the PRC from overseas, but you must not make your plea sound as if that is what you can expect as a general rule. Moreover, it's awfully "big" of you to waive the necessity of a native teacher's being efficient in grammar, but know that this is a most important qualification on this side of the Pacific! Frankly, I cannot imagine anyone's being an employable "English teacher" with only a cursory knowledge of English grammar. Moreover, this "know-how" to which you refer must consist of grammar skills in addition to anything else you might feel is mandatory.

Finally, to guarantee the success of the children of those "starving" Chinese people to whom you allude, the government of the PRC must find some way to enforce HONESTY on the parts of both the agencies and the schools responsible for the conscription and subsequent care of those foreign teachers so necessary for the success of the Chinese EFL program.

Perhaps, IF the current tragedy could be eradicated, you would begin to enjoy a collaboration with a more expert and positive variety of instructor from the West. Otherwise, that brand of sloppy scumbag described in your communiqu will surely continue to infiltrate and deter the English learning program in China.

With all due respect, Mr. Wu, FIND a way to change the local system before bitching about the inefficiency of its imports. It'll take only some decent salaries and some desperately needed VERACITY to get the ball rolling in the PRC. Until that time, sir, it would be most appreciated if you could keep your criticisms to yourself!

I am,


Messages In This Thread
Are you a sloppy teacher?+ - Teachers discussion -- Alex Wu -- 2006-02-27
Chinese wages - Teachers Discussion -- Bob the middle aged loner -- 2006-05-05
what can we do about it? - Teachers discussion -- kc -- 2006-04-07
Ah, the "sloppiness" of teaching - Teachers discussion -- The Arrogant One -- 2006-03-07
I've been guilty of that myself -- Rheno747 -- 2006-03-08
grammar - Teachers discussion -- bob -- 2006-03-06
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