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Rheno747 - 2006-03-08
In response to Ah, the "sloppiness" of teaching - Teachers discussion (The Arrogant One)

I've found myself criticizing teachers here in Thailand a few times. Each time I've caught myself and said 'now wait a minute...'. This for two reasons. First, the teachers I've met here have been nothing but adequate if not great, overall. Nary a one have I met would I ask to ## back to his/her home country. Sure, some whiteys here have bought into the 'bored students = BAD teacher' baloney, but, again, nearly every one has been good in the classroom.

When I've made my criticisms in the past, I've reminded myself that it's really the system here, not the teachers. It's a system that is concerned with money making and keeping students happy above all else, unfortunately. Nope, this system is not concerned about educating young people at all.

Indeed, the only ones really being educated are the farang who've figured out the dark secrets of why we're really standing in front of classrooms in places like Thailand.

Messages In This Thread
Are you a sloppy teacher?+ - Teachers discussion -- Alex Wu -- 2006-02-27
Chinese wages - Teachers Discussion -- Bob the middle aged loner -- 2006-05-05
what can we do about it? - Teachers discussion -- kc -- 2006-04-07
Ah, the "sloppiness" of teaching - Teachers discussion -- The Arrogant One -- 2006-03-07
I've been guilty of that myself -- Rheno747 -- 2006-03-08
grammar - Teachers discussion -- bob -- 2006-03-06
View Thread · Previous · Next Return to Index › I've been guilty of that myself

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