View Thread · Previous · Next Return to Index › Re L'expert, c'est moi - not you, Mr. Nobody.....LOL
Somebody - 2014-10-02

Your ESL expertise leaves much to be desired.

To use "I" instead of "me" is even debatable matter in English Grammar, and they don't have a uniform opinion on that. Using "me" instead of "I" in the latter part of a sentence is due to the influence that French has had on English; in French, it could only be moi (me) in that case. You could also say "It is I" instead of me, and if you marked it as non-native speaker's error in any paper (or toilette paper at EF), you should be shown the door immediately for the kind of deecher that you would show to be.

You don't know what a linguist is, and here again you have shown that you know nothing about English grammar. So, please stay at EF deeching Chinglish.....hahhahahhahahhahaHHAHAHA

This is the last time I shall answer the paranoia on who is I.

Turnoi, your ignorance and arrogance are as astounding as your poor grammar. The statement should read "on who I am", not "on who is me" as you now suggest.

Only a non-native speaker would make such a mistake. And that means you, because you made the mistake. Twice.

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Re L'expert, c'est moi - not you, Mr. Nobody.....LOL -- Somebody -- 2014-10-02
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