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Beth - 2014-10-04

I asked for links or quotes, neither have you provided and this is because you cannot. I've never said it!

I have never made any input in to non-native/native mistakes in English. Please provide links to where I have.
I have corrected your grammar, but you are an English language teacher, so your grammar should be exemplary. And it's not.

My only input to Beaugrande and the history of English was that it is interesting, but not relevant to ground level ESL teaching. It's interesting from an academic standpoint, but has no place in teaching students to speak English. Suggesting that a student needs to know about the history of the evolution of English is akin to saying a medical student must know every historical advance in medicine in order to practice the modern.medicine we have today. They don't need to know that people once believed leeches could cure headaches to prescribe paracetamol today, just as ESL learners don't need to know how we spoke 500 years ago to learn how to speak today.

I never said linguistics was merely grammar.

You are still confusing typos with actual grammatical errors. I am using an old smartphone with a cracked screen, occasionally I may hit the spacebar, full stop, comma or a different letter. The cracked screen makes it very difficult to scroll though to correct a typo. Typos are to be expected when typing... Getting the definition of common words wrong or using incorrect grammar however, are not.

The post you keep clinging to regarding the Spanish was a response to a friend and ex-colleague. I didn't need to reference it as he understood without me having to do so; it was a private joke, as was the rest of the post. It was a reference to a Ricky Gervais sketch we watched together. Simple as that.

You cannot provide links or direct quotes for any of these howling errors you claim I have made because they simply do not exist. They are fictions you have invented in order to justify your continuous insults and hypocritical opinions! If you are so sure they exist, provide links, evidence... They don't, so you can't!

Oh, and please do continue the childish act of purposefully using the present perfect in place of past simple, it's only yourself you're making look stupid!

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Re I'm starting to think Turnoi has a crush, he can't start a thread without me! -- Beth -- 2014-10-04
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