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Beth - 2014-10-06
In response to Re "The Englishes of English" (yu2fa3)

I'm on FB as I find it a good way to keep in touch with friends and family around the world and nothing else! I dabbled in Twitter but didn't like it! I try to keep abreast of all social networks and fads as it helps when teaching teens to be current!

I think we're starting to see the cracks in the facade, if you claim to be an authority on all things ESL, or at least act like one, but have little in the way of actual experience or knowledge in certain areas, it isn't too long before the walls come crashing down.

For example, he's now moved on from his silly crusade against Eng.Lit degrees to the web sillier issue of the ethics of Cambridge university and it's ESOL department!

Messages In This Thread
Re "The Englishes of English" -- yu2fa3 -- 2014-10-05
Re "The Englishes of English" -- Beth -- 2014-10-05
Re "The Englishes of English" -- yu2fa3 -- 2014-10-05
Re "The Englishes of English" -- Beth -- 2014-10-05
Parallel with the fraudulent LinkedIn page created without a person's knowledge and consent -- BeenThere -- 2014-10-08
Re Parallel with the fraudulent LinkedIn page created without a person's knowledge and consent -- BeenThere -- 2014-10-08
Re Parallel with the fraudulent LinkedIn page created without a person's knowledge and consent -- Beth -- 2014-10-08
Re "The Englishes of English" -- yu2fa3 -- 2014-10-06
Re "The Englishes of English" -- Beth -- 2014-10-06
Re: Re "The Englishes of English" -- Fifi -- 2014-10-05
Re: Re "The Englishes of English" -- Beth -- 2014-10-05
Support for Beth -- BeenThere -- 2014-10-05
Re Support for Beth -- Beth -- 2014-10-05
Re: Re Support for Beth -- Curious -- 2014-10-05
Re: Re Support for Beth -- Beth -- 2014-10-05
Re: Re Support for Beth -- Curious -- 2014-10-05
Re: Re Support for Beth -- Beth -- 2014-10-05
Re: Re Support for Beth -- legaleagle -- 2014-10-06
Deecher is not a word -- yu2fa3 -- 2014-10-06
Re Deecher is not a word -- Beth -- 2014-10-06
Re Deecher is not a word -- Shane -- 2014-10-06
Re Deecher is not a word -- Beth -- 2014-10-06
Re Deecher is not a word -- Shane -- 2014-10-06
Re Deecher is not a word -- Beth -- 2014-10-07
Re Deecher is not a word -- yu2fa3 -- 2014-10-07
Re Deecher is not a word -- Shane -- 2014-10-10
Re Deecher is not a word -- yu2fa3 -- 2014-10-06
Re Deecher is not a word -- yu2fa3 -- 2014-10-06
Re: Re "The Englishes of English" -- Fifi -- 2014-10-05
Re: Re "The Englishes of English" -- Beth -- 2014-10-05
Re: Re "The Englishes of English" -- Fifi -- 2014-10-05
View Thread · Previous · Next Return to Index › Re "The Englishes of English"

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