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Robert - 2006-04-02

I just have a high school diploma, but I'm working on an AA in liberal arts right now. I don't know if I'll go for a BA or not, but I do want to pick up TEFL certification if possible. I'm specifically thinking of China because I've had allot of exposure to Chinese history and culture. My Chinese friends say it's remarkable that a Westerner like me is more interested in China than many Chinese.

I also have some friends in mainland China and I've actually had some invitations to come to certain cities if I ever decided to go there looking for work. These are the people that I'm getting second opinions from, and I actually know a few teachers in China who've been valuable sources of information.

I'm not in it for the money, or even for the desire to see an exotic country, but for the sense of fulfillment. I live in a depressed area of the U.S., and there're no jobs around here that really cater to people like me (i.e. bookworms).


Messages In This Thread
China esl teaching on a high school diploma? - Teachers discussion -- Robert -- 2006-03-31
One word - Teachers discussion -- Rheno747 -- 2006-04-01
Fake? - Teachers discussion -- Robert -- 2006-04-01
The fake degree is risky. The fake TESOL? Do it up. - Teachers discussion -- Rheno747 -- 2006-04-02
Thanks. - Teachers discussion -- Robert -- 2006-04-02
Degree or No Degree - Teachers Discussion -- KS -- 2006-08-22
Your contacts will be valuable - Teachers discussion -- Rheno747 -- 2006-04-02
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