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Beth - 2014-11-15

So what you are now saying is that ONLY somebody who has only studied linguistics can develop an effective method for L2 acquisition? That's ludicrous! And you are now saying you have these qualifications, are you? As I note you failed spectacularly to answer CLs question regarding your seemingly sudden acquisition of a linguistic degree, something you have never mentioned in the years prior to my arrival during any discussion? In fact you only previously mentioned a degree in fashion, so it appears you have gained this qualification in linguistics since my arrival! Could that be because you have always had people believing you are something your not? But since I started posting, with an actual relevant degree and further teaching qualifications you have had to go one step further in order to attempt to assert dominance?! I think that might be the case!

And you've contradicted yourself again, rather than admit you were wrong! First Asher had no training in linguistics, then he was a 'pure' psychologist, and now after being shown how ridiculous that comment was you're saying 'ok, so he has trained in linguistics, but it wasn't enough!'

During my lit. degree I took modules on the history of English and the origin if writing. Both of which fell under the umbrella of linguistics. One is still offered on the lit. course, although it appears origins of writing has now moved to solely being under a linguistic degree. Not to mention the DELTA is mainly linguistics based, with my elective in module 3 about teaching YL classes and the methodology of YL L2 acquisition.

The problem with you, Turnoi, is that you believe yourself to be infallible. And rather than admit your error graciously, you change the parameters of your initial stance and try and make the facts fit your argument, rather than letting the facts shape your argument.

Let's sum up.

- TPR is an effective method of L2 acquisition, especially so in YL students and involves linking an action to a word, thereby creating a learned action/language response in the learner that helps them to recall vocabulary or short phrases. It was developed over 30 years by an educational psychologist who has worked with language education all of his life.

- A YL teacher must wear many hats; simultaneously being firm and caring, funny and strict, nurturing and playful, in order to engage and earn the trust of young students who must both view their teacher as non-threatening so as to be relaxed in class, but also authoritative, someone who they accept direction and instruction from. This can mean pulling faces, it can mean asking them to sit quietly and complete their work. Balance is needed and nobody has suggested it is one or the other. It is both.

- Language drills that are teacher focused have limited scope as most YL students find them boring. But repetition is hugely important to YL students, so finding a way to make drills student focused and relevant to context is key. Some ways to do this were highlighted in my opening post.

- For balanced L2 acquisition, a YL teacher must teach speaking, reading, writing and listening skills. At this age, phoneme blending activities are very effective and help with acquiring all those skills. As the video I posted shows, when done correctly it can generate amazing results in reading ability and spoken fluency and pronunciation.

- When teaching YL classes, routine is very important. The first 5-10 minutes of each class and the last 5-10 should be similar each class (whilst obviously building in complexity), as YL students need structure to feel comfortable and it also provides them with an element of control and expectation within the lesson which is very important to encourage motivation and good behaviour.

-At no point has Turnoi risen to either challenge set, which were to either give an alternative to the methods I have described as effective YL teaching strategies rather than just mock them. Or, go head to head with me on how he would teach a grammar point to a class of YL students. He failed to do both of these things proving conclusively that his knowledge of YL teaching pales miserably in the face of mine and that foremost he inhabits these boards in order to insult and mock, not to offer constructive teaching advice. Which means (unfortunately) he has successfully turned this in to yet another derailed off topic waste of time, rather than just admit my knowledge of YL teaching greatly exceeds his own.

As such, I shan't be posting on this thread anymore and will instead expand on the initial post and put it on another board where it can be of use to other YL teachers. I will still respond to any requests for advice or help with YL teaching strategies if they are posted on this thread, but I'm bored of this game of pigeon chess with Turnoi.

I am well aware that there are people with more experience teaching certain ages and groups than myself, and I constantly ask those people for advice as being a teacher is about constant personal development. Turnoi however appears to need to be the final authority on all aspects of ESL teaching, despite having been shown up so thoroughly on this topic. Sad really.

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Re What is a linguist? -- Beth -- 2014-11-15
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