John O'Shei - 2014-11-27
In response to Re Vietnam (Beth)

How on earth can you know for sure if the girl selling herself is doing so
because she honestly wants to do that (and I find that hard to believe) or because she
is being forced or coerced in some way?

That's one of the issues facing any punter that decides to use prostitutes. But I'm sure than Silverboy is a big boy and can make his own decisions.

Also, Silverboy stated his age preference (which was entirely legit), I think if he wanted something of a really bad nature, he wouldn't dare to post on here!

Finally, although we all teach, it isn't the only thing that we will talk about. ESL teachers often travel around and will discuss issues relating to that part of their lives.

Messages In This Thread
Re Vietnam -- Somebody -- 2014-11-27
Re Vietnam -- John O'Shei -- 2014-11-27
Re Vietnam -- Sludge -- 2014-11-28
Re Vietnam -- Beth -- 2014-11-27
Re Vietnam -- John O'Shei -- 2014-11-27
Re Vietnam -- Beth -- 2014-11-27
Re Vietnam -- yu2fa3 -- 2014-11-27
Re: Re Vietnam -- Fifi -- 2014-11-27
Re: Re Vietnam -- yu2fa3 -- 2014-11-27
Re: Re Vietnam -- Fifi -- 2014-11-27
Re: Re Vietnam -- martin hainan -- 2014-11-29
Re: Re Vietnam -- Beth -- 2014-11-29

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