yu2fa3 - 2014-11-29

know a guy whose Chinese GF asked him to buy her a house and a car. He said ok, no problem, he said he would meet her at 7pm the following night to discuss it.

He had the house and car, a house made out of MATCHSTICKS, and a MATCHBOX car! That was the end of that relationship........lol! True story!

That's a believable little anecdote.

My Chinese wife has just paid for the three of us to fly half way around the earth and back. More recent is, I only just went downstairs since the bell rang- Two crates of Shiraz -Australian actually 'Yellow Tail' She doesn't drink but I like a bottle every Friday night. I paid for it out of her wages because I don't have any money of my own. I stay at home and tend the infant. She brought back her monthly cheque last night and gave it to me. She is too busy at work to go to the bank. I use her debit and credit cards. She does have the credit card back once a week when she needs to purchase her train ticket. Oh yes, she paid for a car last month. We only use it once a week for the big shop. The baby and I walk miles everywhere in all weathers to save money.

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