Beth - 2014-11-29
In response to Re Vietnam (John O'Shei)

Nobody is saying sex is wrong. Of course it's not. Don't try and confuse having sex with engaging the services of a prostitute. Sex is not the issue here. Consent is. And anybody who believes prostitutes are doing what they are because they want to is an an idiot.

I hear lots of weak excuses about entitlement of Chinese women again, and absolutely nothing n regards to the fact that most prostitutes are doing it because they have no other option. I see nothing but excuses and nothing regarding the psychological toll having your choice taken away takes on a person. I see nothing regarding the fact that most of these girls answer to a pimp or a criminal gang.

You are dreaming up excuses in order to justify getting your jollies from a girl who has no choice in the matter. Selfish and disgusting.

Messages In This Thread
Re Vietnam -- John O'Shei -- 2014-11-28
Re Vietnam -- Beth -- 2014-11-29

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