yu2fa3 - 2014-12-01
In response to Re Vietnam (Robert)

I am sorry to disappoint you but it's not.

Give your online friend SB, some advice, he needs help, he's lost it.

Well if you're me you'll also be Nicholas Van Hoogstraten, a British property millionaire, also a crony of President Mugabe. And a poster called Woodbine Willie, to name just a couple hahaha. As if they don't have a multitude of aliases themselves like O'Shei, a cut&paste westerner ft made up of all the words of all the posts ever posted. I have to admit that one is a masterpiece put together by an Eastern European poster with usually diabolical English- must take him hours to do each post-credit where it's due. Then of course we have the most infamous of all their aliases, Dr [edited]. Don't take any notice, when they are losing the words' game they accuse you of being some-one else. Take Beth, she was mincing them up so much they had to insist she was a bloke for a very long time; and did everything intrusively disgusting to discredit her.

Messages In This Thread
Re Vietnam -- Robert -- 2014-12-01
Re Vietnam -- yu2fa3 -- 2014-12-01
Re Vietnam -- Robert -- 2014-12-02
Re Vietnam -- Honest Truetruth -- 2014-12-02

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