yu2fa3 - 2014-12-02

Rubbish from you again! A man and woman who are married must buy a house together and pay for it together from both their salaries. However, many women, including Chinese women, want a man to buy them a house and pay for it in cash, they don't want to contribute anything toward it.

I would be prepared to help a woman pay her mortgage if I was married to her, but pay for everything?.........no way!

Good sound advice I'd say. However, nothing wrong with one partner paying for everything if one has got money and the other hasn't. What you have to decide is if the cashless one is sincere about how she feels about the one with cash, or merely after the cash? I mean to say Cinderella had sod all did she not and she got her Silverboy? it seems to me that the Brothers Grimm and Charles Perrault were more open-minded than you are all that time ago.

I know exactly what your experience has been. Women don't find you charming hahaha! I wonder why? So you do truly want a live in slave, but are reduced to asking a prostitute if she'll marry you. The poor girl can only say "if you'll buy me a house and car." You and your closet-misogynist pal need to change your approach and your attitude.

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Re Vietnam -- yu2fa3 -- 2014-12-02

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