Honest Truetruth - 2014-12-02
In response to Re Vietnam (Robert)

Good Morning,

no, no. You got it all wrong. Those 3 are 2 real persons. Please: I have seen photographic evidence on this very board, you can google TT and find that he has thousands of friends and grateful followers, you will find that he has compiled, formatted, and published many a text for the internet community and even shared it on this board. He frankly talked about his renowned German publication on TCM and that he is using aliasses on this board is for the protection of your privacy. He is real, like Santa.


Messages In This Thread
Re Vietnam -- Robert -- 2014-12-01
Re Vietnam -- yu2fa3 -- 2014-12-01
Re Vietnam -- Robert -- 2014-12-02
Re Vietnam -- Honest Truetruth -- 2014-12-02

Go to another board -