yu2fa3 - 2014-12-08

I am not "into whiteboards" in class. Never saiofd that. If I have a blackboard, I use that or I use an overhead projector. Occasionally, I also use a small netbook for my lectures to show a ppt or PDF presentation,depending on what is available and appropriate. Makes all much more sense than making faces (not) for Graces! I am into real teaching and not into crappy edutainment; the same for SB and Sludge. Got it?

It all seems a bit academic, Turnoi; you're never ever going to be considered for a training centre job- at least at any training centre where they pay a good wage, because you're not a natural English speaker- I'm afraid you're reduced to the margins, dear boy- filthy cold draughty universities in far-flung provinces where good natural teachers just don't want to go. My first job in China over ten years ago redeemed 12000 RMB with a posh flat (thrown in) holidays paid for and all the business. I have the right qualifications you see; I look and sound the part. Although, I am not a proper teacher, I do have a good knowledge of English Literature; and if you really want to impress that goes a very long way indeed. If you don't have a good knowledge of English Literature I'm afraid you really are an illiterate. you may not be illiterate in your own language but you certainly are as far as English is concerned. Here, you fit very nicely into this online definition.
Marked by inferiority to an expected standard of familiarity with language and literature.

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Re TPR -- yu2fa3 -- 2014-12-08

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