Beth - 2014-12-08
In response to Re TPR (Sludge)

It's not a big claim, it's what any self respecting teacher should have if they are serious about their profession!

And I've given quite enough personal details already and had them used against me or twisted to suit your own needs. I shan't be doing it again... Not when those calling for it won't even post under their real names and won't disclose what university they attended! When you're willing to disclose the information I already have, I will consider giving you further information. But until then, I have already done way more than anybody else on this board to verify who I am.

Messages In This Thread
Re TPR -- Beth -- 2014-12-07
Re TPR -- Sludge -- 2014-12-08
Re TPR -- Beth -- 2014-12-08
Re TPR -- Sludge -- 2014-12-09
Re TPR -- Beth -- 2014-12-09

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