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Beth - 2014-12-13
In response to Re An opportunity worth seizing... (John O'Shei)

No, I'd like to see it as a site where teachers can discuss teaching practice and exchange tips and ideas. This is especially helpful for new teachers who are thrown in at the deep end, often unqualified and inexperienced, in a school somewhere in Asia.

The only reason you are in opposition to this is because we all know you have nothing constructive or helpful to add past your tagline of "All TCs are rubbish, crappy scams!" - Which is neither true nor helpful to anyone.

I'm beginning to understand that the term "GW" is applied to somebody who cares about thier work and students, always does thier best for thier students and is continually researching and developing new ideas for different classroom activities. In which case I really don't object to this moniker. If you are applying it to somebody who does anything to appease their boss, then applying it to me is ridiculous as nothing could be further from the truth. My priority is my students education, not towing whatever party line the management has. The thing is, as you'd be aware of if you were as dedicated a teacher as I am, if your priority is your students, you're boss is usually very happy with the situation. If they aren't concerned with education, only profits, then as several posters here can attest to, I have been the very opposite of groveling; having stand up shouting matches with the "DoS" over their abhorrent practices, and continuing to teach in the way best for my students, regardless of how difficult that made my life outside of the classroom. You call me a "GW" because you operate under the fallacy that I support all TCs, everywhere in th world. I don't, I never have. You ignore this because you are a troll.

You have been given the opportunity to have an actual discussion on teaching methodology in the past and have either been unable to keep up or have resorted to insults and off topic vulgarity. Another reason you want to keep the board in the gutter.

The only teachers who would require conversation lesson plans because they are too lazy or hungover to make thier own is SM&SB, the rest of us take more pride in our work and teach more than just conversation. And so no, lesson plan swapping is not what I am suggesting, open discussion regarding teaching strategies is. At no point have I mentionedadvertising. Bad schools deserve all they get and should be closed. That is not to say I agree that all private schools are bad. You're incomprehension of this simple fact is astounding.

Messages In This Thread
An opportunity worth seizing... -- Beth -- 2014-12-12
Re An opportunity worth seizing... -- Uwant Tono -- 2014-12-14
Re An opportunity worth seizing... -- John O'Shei -- 2014-12-12
Re An opportunity worth seizing... -- Sludge -- 2014-12-16
Re An opportunity worth seizing... -- John O'Shei -- 2014-12-16
Re An opportunity worth seizing... -- Sludge -- 2014-12-17
Re An opportunity worth seizing... -- Beth -- 2014-12-17
Re An opportunity worth seizing... -- Sludge -- 2014-12-18
Re An opportunity worth seizing... -- John O'Shei -- 2014-12-17
Re An opportunity worth seizing... -- Sludge -- 2014-12-18
Re An opportunity worth seizing... -- Beth -- 2014-12-16
Re An opportunity worth seizing... -- Beth -- 2014-12-13
Re An opportunity worth seizing... -- Mike -- 2014-12-12
Re An opportunity worth seizing... -- Beth -- 2014-12-12
Re An opportunity worth seizing... -- yu2fa3 -- 2014-12-12
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