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Royal Treasury - 2014-12-21
In response to Re Teaching in China, Chinese women. (Sludge)

Indeed, it does. Spain is one of those countries with the lowest salaries for teachers in public eduiation. In private language education, they aren't much higher and in fact tend to be lower than in public education because a company (and not really a school) will always look out to minmize its expenses. They will certainly do their best to save money on teacher salaries as well. If you generate a salary of some 2000 Euros a month or less than that by working for such school, you are not too well off anyway. That's peanuts for a real academic with a degree who must pay off student loans and the like. Saying that you must do everything for your students and being paid peanuts at rhe very same time is only what a masochist would say.

Teaching in Spain doesn't pay well; it evidently does in other places in public education only - including job and financial security.

You keep trotting this line out like you are unique, you may well be a great teacher, but there is no need to keep defending your chosen career.It just makes you look insecure.
Messages In This Thread
Re Teaching in China, Chinese women. -- Beth -- 2014-12-14
Re Teaching in China, Chinese women. -- Sludge -- 2014-12-15
Re Teaching in China, Chinese women. -- Royal Treasury -- 2014-12-21
Re Teaching in China, Chinese women. -- Beth -- 2014-12-21
Re Teaching in China, Chinese women. -- Somebody -- 2014-12-21
Re Teaching in China, Chinese women. -- Beth -- 2014-12-15
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