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Rheno747 - 2006-04-19
In response to Why the defense? - Teachers discussion (Raoul Duke D.U.I., B.L.T., L.S.D., RUN.DMC)

Let's see. China is a 'poohole' place for teachers, and teaching there is a 'poohole' profession.

I KNOW what Thailand is like--teachers are forced to babysit, entertain, and pass cheating illiterates to keep smiles on their faces and the tuition money pouring in. English be damned. Teaching be damned.

In South Korea I find mainly unruly brats who have been dumped on me an hour a day to get them out of their parents' hair. I didn't get into TESOL to read Curious George or Dr. Seuss to a bunch of bored Koreans.

In all three places, I'm expected to play several non-teaching roles that show me this TESOL business is indeed all about business and has very little to do with education. I'm a patsy, a scapegoat, a billboard, a clown, and a janitor all rolled up into one. A teacher I'm not. The one role I WANTED to play in Asia I can't play, simply because TESOL is really a racket and I'm forced to play these other roles.

So.....I'm out.

As soon as my contract is up and my fiance gets her US fiance visa, I'm on a plane outta here.
I'm sick of this bullshit. I'm sick of my roles. I'm sick of all the website trolls telling me I don't know what I'm talking about while they themselves don't come near a classroom. I'm sick of all the weasels who try to sucker people into this TESOL baloney with glowing descriptions of it being a "great job". I'm sick of hearing, and reading, all the bullshit arguments the interested types use to lure young, naive types into this, such as 'your money will go farther in xxxx'. I'm sick of my puny bank balance after scrounging, saving, and living like a hermit for two years as I pay the same prices for shit I'd have paid back at a Wal-Mart in the US.

And on top of it all, I'm only making a group of third world laborers more "functional" in the sweatshops.

No thank you.

Yeap, you guys can have it. F*** it all, I say.

Messages In This Thread
What's the point? - Teachers discussion -- frank andrews -- 2006-04-17
I Feel it is Relevant! - Teachers discussion -- Yingwen Laoshi -- 2006-04-18
Two options - Teachers discussion -- frank andrews -- 2006-04-18
Or, I could... - Teachers discussion -- Yingwen Laoshi -- 2006-04-19
Well said. - Teachers discussion -- frank andrews -- 2006-04-19
Here's the point! - Teachers discussion -- Hemingway -- 2006-04-18
Why the defense? - Teachers discussion -- Raoul Duke D.U.I., B.L.T., L.S.D., RUN.DMC -- 2006-04-18
I'm out. You can have it all. -- Rheno747 -- 2006-04-19
I'm with you. - Teachers discussion -- frank andrews -- 2006-04-19
I may be here another year...... - Teachers discussion -- Rheno747 -- 2006-04-19
Reasons to Be - Teachers discussion -- Raoul Duke -- 2006-04-19
Reno and Frank: You'll Feel better - Teachers discussion -- Robin Day B.Sc. MSc. B.Ed. -- 2006-04-22
I was wrong about my real role, ultimately - Teachers discussion -- Rheno747 -- 2006-04-22
Think globally, act locally...... - Teachers discussion -- frank andrews -- 2006-04-22
Reno Join em. That's my suggestion. - Teachers discussion -- Robin Day B.Sc. MSc. B.Ed. -- 2006-04-22
Nice observations. I've seen this myself. - Teachers discussion -- Rheno747, B.A., M.A., PhD, Hard Knocks U -- 2006-04-23
I forgot to mention..... - Teachers discussion -- frank andrews -- 2006-04-18
So what? - Teachers discussion -- Ted Hamill -- 2006-04-18
What are you replying to? - Teachers discussion -- frank andrews -- 2006-04-18
Kind of like comparing apples to oranges. - Teachers discussion -- Ted Hamill -- 2006-04-19
i think you're absolutely right - Teachers discussion -- vince -- 2006-04-18
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