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martin hainan - 2014-12-30
In response to Re Changing careers (Beth)

Society has a moral obligation to provide food, clothing, housing, healthcare and education to its citizens. The constitution of all European countries and most other developed countries cites these national obligations. The United States constitution recognizes only three.

Capitalism acts to deliver these divergent services with varying degrees of efficiency. The market model for the delivery of healthcare and education is particularly problematic.

Private schools that do not make profits will eventually be closed. Private hospitals that do not make profits will be closed. Yet all poor and sick children are entitled to quality education and healthcare. The developed nation-state must enforce its mandates to education and healthcare, regardless of profit. Private schools and hospitals, if they are corporations, are by definition "committed" to making profits for shareholders. They may, and often do, perform a valuable function in providing excellent care to individuals who can pay, directly or indirectly, for their services. But corporations have no emotions or values: they are legal fiscal conceits. Ascribing any values to them is merely a marketing activity.

Teachers do have values. Schools poor in dollars and resources may be rich in teacher quality. Corporate schools, again by definition, must view labor as an expense, to be minimized in cost and maximized in efficiency. But they too may be fortunate enough to recruit teachers that have talent as well as being cost effective service providers.

Messages In This Thread
Changing careers -- zandy -- 2014-12-29
Re Changing careers -- Beth -- 2014-12-29
Re Changing careers -- martin hainan -- 2014-12-30
Re Changing careers -- Beth -- 2014-12-30
Re: Re Changing careers -- Fifi -- 2014-12-30
Re: Re Changing careers -- yu2fa3 -- 2014-12-30
Re Changing careers -- John O'Shei -- 2014-12-29
Re Changing careers -- Beth -- 2014-12-29
Re Changing careers -- Mike -- 2014-12-31
Re Changing careers -- Beth -- 2014-12-31
Re Changing careers -- Beth -- 2014-12-31
Re Changing careers -- yu2fa3 -- 2014-12-31
Re Changing careers -- Beth -- 2015-01-02
Re Changing careers -- Sludge -- 2015-01-03
Re Changing careers -- Beth -- 2015-01-03
Re Changing careers -- Sludge -- 2015-01-05
Re Changing careers -- yu2fa3 -- 2015-01-02
Re: Re Changing careers -- Fifi -- 2015-01-02
Re: Re Changing careers -- yu2fa3 -- 2015-01-02
Re Changing careers -- Somebody -- 2015-01-01
Re Changing careers -- yu2fa3 -- 2015-01-01
Re Changing careers -- yu2fa3 -- 2014-12-31
Re Changing careers -- Somebody -- 2014-12-29
Re Changing careers -- John O'Shei -- 2014-12-29
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