View Thread · Previous · Next Return to Index › Have you ever had any honest employer in Mainland China
Anonymous - 2015-01-05

Seems that most if not all of the big names have awful reputations of not sticking to the contract that they wrote. Or in some cases sticking to it only when it suits them. For e.g. trying to load the teacher with ever more lessons above the number of classes stated by the contract (usually with some BS excuse like "teacher X is sick, he must go back to home country, can you cover his class for the next 3 months?" LOL if it was one time yeah, but 3 months seriously?) and refusing to even mention renegotiating the salary, because yes if I teach more classes than what we agreed upon on an extended period of time I expect more money, how is this abnormal?

Messages In This Thread
Have you ever had any honest employer in Mainland China -- Anonymous -- 2015-01-05
Re Have you ever had any honest employer in Mainland China -- A Song For Billy -- 2015-01-06
View Thread · Previous · Next Return to Index › Have you ever had any honest employer in Mainland China

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