If you've ever found yourself inching up on the car in front of you to read their bumper stickers, you're not alone. Bumper stickers are a means of proclaiming your views on life, politics, sports, your religious affiliation, and virtually any other arena. Whether you want the world to know you support your local school, your hometown sports team, or a certain politician, bumperstickers can be the means to do so.
Bumper stickers can be funny, crazy, thought provoking, silly, intelligent, or rather stupid. They can bring a smile to the reader's face or make the person in the car behind you angry. By wearing your thoughts on your bumper, you can proclaim your personality or your priorities to the world. There's no doubt that, based upon the bumperstickers adorning a vehicle, others make assumptions about the car's driver.
Some of the most amusing bumper stickers I've encountered are:
Social Security Has Me Feeling Unsocial and Insecure
My Best Friend Says I'm Insane, But Who Listens to Dogs Anyway?
If Opportunity Knocked on My Door, I Must Have Been in the Shower
Work is a Four-Letter Word
Rash Decisions Make Me Itch
Yes, This is My Van. No, I Won't Help You Move
A Waist is a Terrible Thing to Mind
I've Forgotten More Than I've Ever Learned
Bumper stickers can also make great marketing tools, whether for a cause or an organization. Custom-made bumper stickers are relatively inexpensive, yet can help spread the message you're trying to convey. If you have a message to promote, you can order custom-made bumper stickers and pass them out at your next meeting or event.
Bumper stickers can also help to raise money. Having a variety of bumper stickers, along with pins and T-shirts, which are funny or thought provoking can do double duty for merchandising and marketing. The only caveats are that they should be in good taste (in the eyes of your prospective customers), that they are clever, and that they relate to the mission of the group or organization.
Overall, bumper stickers can be a delightful form of self-expression and serve to entertain other drivers while you're on the road. The entertainment value of bumper stickers can go one step further, especially if you have one or more children in the car on a long day of errands. You can encourage the kids to play the "Alphabet Game" using bumper stickers. The rules are that, starting with the letter "A," they must find each letter of the alphabet on a bumper sticker. This game can keep them engaged for quite awhile, particularly when they get stuck on the letters "Q" and "Z"!
Chris Robertson