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Texas ISD School Guide
Texas ISD School Guide

International ESL Jobs

Russia, Saint-Petersburg
By:International Theatre Linguistic School English City <english_city@mail.ru>
Date: 14 January 2019

We're looking for English native speakers to work with kids (7-17 years old) during summer, fall, winter and spring holidays. "English City" camp is a mix of teaching English language, experience of theatre performance staging and making movies. You will spend amazing time communicating with kids, taking part in all camp activities!

You’re supposed to communicate with children around the day and give 3 lessons (no grammar, just conversation). English lessons will be held in small groups with children of same age and same level of knowledge of English. There are about 10 children in each group. Teaching materials, copy machine, games and other teaching stuff is provided. In camp: there are also different activities which the teachers are welcome to participate in (sport activity, games, voice training etc.). In the morning there will be calisthenics, which the English teachers attend and call out the exercises in English. At night there is a “candle” time, where kids share one-by-one what they enjoyed about that day. You’ll share all mealtimes with the kids. You get to know those kids quite well. Being at an English City camp is a unique experience for you!

If you're interested in working with us, we're waiting for your resume and some background information about any teaching experience you've had.


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