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International ESL Jobs

Liberia, Costa Rica
By:Instituto Estelar Bilingue <ingles@estelarcr.com>
Date: 20 December 2018

Instituto Estelar is a mid-sized English and Spanish school with 400+ English students and 9 English teachers. Our work environment is upbeat and organized. The city of Liberia is walkable, safe, and close to beaches, volcanoes, and many other natural attractions. Teachers must have a C2 level of English (native speaker), hold a minimum of a bachelor’s degree, and possess a TEFL or CELTA certificate. 9-month contract, help with work visa, health insurance and housing provided. Teaching experience, basic computer skills, and Spanish knowledge are helpful. Teachers make Costa Rican wages which are enough to live on but not enough to save, pay off debts, or do expensive tourist activities.


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