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International ESL Jobs

Scotland,United Kingdom
By:Family <kaledri@gmail.com>
Date: 23 August 2018

Hello Teacher,
I Hope this email finds you well! My name is Mousieu Kad Adrien from
Libourne, France.
I am presently residing here in the United Kingdom with
My family which comprises of my wife Chloe, and two kids by name,
Enzo, and Jeanne.

I am in urgent need of a private English tutor to come and teach my
wife and kids for a period of one year here before they can enroll for
formal education,
Compensation and Benefits Package.: A very attractive monthly salary of
is GBP6,000 Paid monthly, Quality single or family housing of your
choice upon your arrival, medical insurance, vacation allowance etc...

If you are interested in coming to work for me kindly send me your
a detailed resume and cover letter to kaledri@gmail.com

Thank you for your anticipated response...

Evangelist Kad


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