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International ESL Jobs

Bắc Ninh , Việt Nam
By:Atlantic language center <cuongdhcd@gmail.com>
Date: 14 May 2018

We are looking for English teacher for our center.
Here are all details:
- Job Title: Philipino or Native Teacher ( USA, UK, Newzeland…)
- Payment: Negotiation
Ages of students: From 6 to to up
-Time to start: ASAP
- Philipino or Native Teacher required.
- Humorous,friendly, dynamic and responsible person
-Able to work from 6-12 months
-Support 100% fee of making work permit
-Self-study materials for ongoing development
- Payment method: Monthly and in cash
Please send your CV, documents and current photo to the email: cuongdhcd@gmail.com


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