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International ESL Jobs

Liverpool, United Kingdom
By:Liverpool English Centre <info@liverpoolenglishcentre.co.uk>
Date: 6 April 2017


Liverpool English Centre is fully committed to being the best school we can possibly be. We are growing steadily and as a result we are hiring the best people we can find. We are looking for teachers with international English teaching experience (adults) and strong, dynamic teaching skills. We are especially looking for teachers with a strong desire to teach at the highest level possible.

As a teacher run company, all teachers are expected to play a role in the student journey – if you have hit the glass ceiling at your current institute, you may want to join our team.

If so, send us a copy of your CV and cover letter, outlining your skills and experience to Liverpool English Centre.

To work at Liverpool English Centre, teachers need:

1) A Bachelors Degree or higher

2) To be a fluent English speaker

3) A CELTA or Trinity TESOL. Your certification must be from either of these recognised providers, have a minimum of 120 hours contact time with tutors and have at least 6 hours observed teaching practice with feedback (Any on-line certificates or distance learning will not be counted towards certification unless they contain a substantial classroom component and all courses must also have been externally assessed in order to meet our requirements).

4) Safeguarding level 1 certificate

5) Prevent certificate

6) Basic Disclosure Certificate

You will be expected to:

- Teach classes using LEC curricula across multiple levels as assigned

- Develop lesson plans conforming to a set syllabus

- Transform classroom atmosphere conducive to learning by providing required classroom facilities

- Update and maintain accurate record keeping for daily attendance and student performance

- Complete all LEC paperwork within given deadlines

- Test, evaluate and guide students with respect to their academic performance and goals

- Participate in staff meetings, in-house training workshops

- Learn & comply with institutional policies and procedures

- Interact with academic supervisor to improve delivery of LEC academic programs

- Solicit and incorporate feedback on classroom performance to ensure positive and meaningful student experience

- Correspond effectively with school administrative staff

- Provide clear instructions and materials

Job Type: Part-time - Full-time (4-30 hours per week / flexible schedule / Weekends / Evenings)


Probationary Period - x4 weeks - £11.50 per hour

Post-Probationary Period - x8 weeks - x24 weeks - £12.50 per hour

x24 weeks - x48 weeks - £14 per hour

x48 weeks / DELTA - £15 per hour

Academic Managerial - £18 per hour

CPD Workshops - £10 per hour

Teacher Meetings - £0 per hour

CPD Training Delivery - £11.50 per hour

Job Location:

Liverpool L1

Required licences or certifications:

CELTA (Certificate in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages)

TESOL (Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages)


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