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International ESL Jobs

By:TEACH & TRAVEL INDIA <sagreenintl@gmail.com>
Date: 20 March 2015

English Teaching practice in INDIA is open to all English language Lovers. No qualification is required except your skill and proficiency in English language

Teaching practice program in INDIA is aimed to give a world of exposure and experience to English language lovers

The position provides a world of opportunity to take classes in Kindergarten, Pre-school, Elementary school, Middle school or High school to acquire teaching experience along with regular teachers in a professional environment. In addition, the volunteers have the opportunity to participate in academic seminars, cultural and recreational excursions, sporting and cultural activities in the host schools.

The host schools are located in the states of KERALA/TAMILNADU/PUNJAB in India.

The main highlights of the Teaching practice event are;

Open to all English language Lovers. No qualification is required except your skill and proficiency in English language

#* Volunteers will be provided with Free Accommodation, Food, Internet and other organized services throughout their stay in India.

#* Expert guidance and 24/7 support from an experienced and dedicated professional team.

#* The duration of the teaching practice is 2-8 months .

#* Volunteers can work in International Schools and Private schools.

#* Teaching practice program starts in the beginning of the academic year in June,2015

#* Volunteers will be honored with International Teaching Experience Certificate after the completion of the teaching practice.

#* The only authentic and approved Volunteer Teaching Practice in India attended by volunteers from USA,Australia,UK and other EU Countries.

To Apply for the English Teaching Practice:-E-mail CV in English with a photograph <sagreenintl@gmail.com>

See the Testimonials visit;- <http://www.sagreenintl.com/testimonial.html>


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