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Texas ISD School Guide
Texas ISD School Guide

Motivation Tips

Motivational tip for student when feeling down -- Ketan Pande
Whenever you feel down due to exam pressure or low grades and don't feel like studying. Just follow these steps to feel motivated: 1. Just close your eyes and tap your middle and index finger on ...
Re: Motivational tip for student when feeling down -- TSK
Cheer them up by reminding them things could be worse. They could be living under a horrible Communist regime. Oh, wait...

Do this when you are feeling down? -- Ketan Pande
So here are steps to self-motivate yourself: 1. Close your eyes and I tap your middle and index finger on the chest and affirm: “I will become (my goal) no matter what. Say it whenever you feel ...

Home is where the school is! -- EllenPetway
There are lots of reasons that parents choose to home school. Some simply feel that they can provide a better education for their child at home. Some believe that their child is either gifted or ...

Kevin Costner quotes -- tn
Failure doesn't kill you... it increases your desire to make something happen. Field of Dreams is probably our generation's It's A Wonderful Life. I’m a big fan of dreams. ...
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