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Grand Canyon Helicopter Tours
By:Eric Morris

As you consider a Grand Canyon tour, a helicopter tour might be a good option. Its a wonderful and breathtaking way to view the canyon.

The tours are affordable and exciting. In helicopter tours, the shuttles from your hotels take you to the base from which your helicopter tour starts. You sit in a helicopter facing forward with 180 degrees of open view, the little cabin equipped with air-conditioned comfort. Then, tighten your seat belt and get ready for an experience of a lifetime. The pilots of the helicopter experienced, and the helicopters are well-equipped to make your tour a safe one.

The pilots local knowledge about the place and the area you going to cover let him explain what you are seeing so you can take the full pleasure of the beautiful scenery. You can get a birds-eye view from the top of mountains, valleys, lakes and meadows. The flight covers Lake Mead, the Black Canyon with exotic views of Hoover Dam, and the Black Mountains, which are volcanic in origin. Flying within the canyon rocks, you will notice the splendid colors of the sandstone layers of the Grand Canyon and the rushing waters of the Colorado River below. You can opt for various features in your helicopter tour, including hotel-to-hotel shuttle services, extended flights, low-height views or an exclusive flight for you and your partner, and other attractive features according to your budget. The entire helicopter tour is an experience of a lifetime, for exploring the depths of the Grand Canyon.

Eric Morris

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