Inspirational Quotes
- Respect -- Mark Clement
- Respect -- Alfred Nobel
- Respect -- Ayn Rand
- Respect -- Herbert Henry Lehman
- Respect -- U. Thant
- Respect -- Anna Gould
- You must be the change -- Mahatma Gandhi
- Opportunity -- Helen Schucman
- If our thoughts dwell on poverty -- James Van Praagh
- The pessimist and the optimist -- Winston Churchill
- The man that can smile in trouble -- Thomas Paine
- Courage -- Andrew Jackson
- Courage -- Charles Swindoll
- Courage -- Seneca
- Safety -- Tacitus
- Mystery -- Charles de Gaulle
- The direction of one's dreams -- Thoreau
- Where you come from -- Unknown
- The most important asset -- Firestone
- The prime condition of success -- Andrew Carnegie
- Leadership -- John Kenneth Galbraith
- Employ in everything a certain casualness -- Castiglione
- Blessings -- Dickens
- One man thinks he can -- Henry Ford
- Every blade of grass -- Talmud
- A tiny ripple of hope -- Robert Kennedy
- I dream things that never were -- George Bernard Shaw
- The road less traveled by -- Robert Frost
- Il depend de celui qui passe (in French) -- Paul Valry
- I have nothing to offer but ... -- Winston Churchill
- It is not the strongest of the species that survives -- Darwin
- We become what we think -- Buddha
- Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. -- Goethe
- When you are facing a personal difficulty -- Martia Nelson
- You gain strength -- Eleanor Roosevelt
- Life is a battle -- Henry David Thoreau
- Empires of the future -- Winston Churchill
- All men dream: but not equally -- T.E. Lawrence
- Keep away -- Mark Twain
- The most powerful weapon -- Marshal Foch
- Destiny -- William Jennings Bryan
- Life's worth -- Unknown
- Self-pity -- Eugene H. Peterson
- Respect -- Alfred Nobel