Inspirational Quotes
Instead of saying "I don't know"
Say "I'll find out".
Instead of seeing a problem for every answer,
Try seeing an answer for every problem
Instead of saying "That's not my job",
See what has to be done and do it.
Instead of making promises,
Make commitments
Instead of looking at what can't be done,
Look at what can be done
When a mistake is made, instead of saying "It wasn't my fault"
Say "I was wrong".
Instead of side-stepping most issues,
Try making decisions
Instead of saying "I'm not as bad as a lot of others",
Say "I'm good, but not as good as I can be".
Instead of saying "That's the way it has always been done",
Say "There ought to be a better way".
Instead of saying "It may be possible, but it's too difficult",
Say "It may be difficult but it's not impossible".
Taken from "Positive Works" from Alberta Advanced Education and Career Development
Lynne Dean