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theprisoner0000 - 2008-03-01
In response to Bupyong SLP, Bupyong (Not On Your Life)

In reading the posts about Bupyong SLP, why am I not surprised?
The management, and in particular the two owners have this thing for treating the teachers who work there like children. They have a very top down mangement style, and absolutely no clue as to how to deal with people. Over the years, there have been a number of meltdowns in the staffroom caused by mangememt--teachers are personally blamed for the drop rate, and public finger wagging scoldings are not unknown.

The owners know that they need Western teachers because they attract students but do their best to consistently disparage, humiliate and otherwise make them feel like crap. They enjoy talking about their Western staff in Korean making disparaging remarks about them knowing that they can't be understood by the Western staff. There is a very strong anti-Western feeling at that school; whether it be by the blatantly discriminatory actions of a former supervisor, stirring up of anti Western sentiment by starting false rumors(ie all the Korean teachers were going to be fired),and by generally if not encouraging then being silent about hostile treatment by their students towards the Western staff--Students pulling ears and making monkey noises when being taught by an African American teacher, and the violent behavior of more than a few students directed at Western staff. The school's management took a very hard line AGAINST any form of discipline that the Western teachers used. Time and again the refrain was it was the Korean teacher's job to discipline those kids.The Korean staff when I was there strongly resented and had a high degree of antipathy towards the Western staff. The ones from that private school Han il were a total nightmare--no conception of how to act and extremely distructive/disruptive. But the owners smiled broadly whenever they came.

Be careful about the housing deposit that the school illegally deducts. They will find ways and means to try to keep as much as they can from it. It took 3-4 phone calls to get them to acknowledge that yes all the bills were paid and that they had to pay the rest of it back. Even so, there were mysterious deductions so that I only got 45% back--all of the bills were paid up to the date of my departure from that zoo. They even charged 50 000 won to clean the apartment--(it just needed a fast sweep). Do you think that the cleaners got any of that? Fat chance.

They are also known to make false promises to get people to stay a month or two longer because they have no clue as to how to recruit. They stiffed me for 200 000 won saying that they were going to keep that money and not to bother trying to get it. I have watched as false promises were made to others--stay an extra month and we'll give you extra classes so you can make more money and they NEVER fulfilled their part of the bargain.

I could go on but I think you get the idea. One last thing, the owners plan on pulling that particular location out of SLP and to go the independant route.They plam to keep their other location in south Incheon in SLP-=-Kinda neat idea--poach the product. At one point they wanted to develop their own program and franchise it. Then they realized that it would cost money to do that.

Messages In This Thread
Bupyong SLP, Bupyong -- Not On Your Life -- 2008-02-16
Re: Bupyong SLP, Bupyong -- theprisoner0000 -- 2008-03-01
Re: Bupyong SLP, Bupyong -- want to keep it secret -- 2009-02-28
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