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Choatle - 2008-04-25
In response to Frank Zhang - Facts and Figures. (Dave)

Actually I have had direct experience with him. No I don't want to go into specifics. Why? Because Frank Zhang has made it quite clear he will go to great lengths to get back at someone if he is able to know who they are and where they are. Is he likely to find out where, no, as for who, do you think I want all myt personal info plastered all over the net by this man, who would slander me, as he already has? He has done so without hesitation already, has he not? You are a very stupid man not to see what is self evident Dave.

As for only five people, what is your point? Not all of those posts were made by just five people, and let's be honest, The majority posted for Frank Zhang are by Frank Zhang, duh.

Anyone every here the saying "Thou doth protest too much." It is an old Shakesperean saying. What it means for people like Dave who are too stupid to see what is self evident is this. If you are fearful of others finding out the truth about you, and that truth is bad, you will strike out so as to convince people the opposite is true. If you are innocent of what others are saying, that will be self evident, so why bother saying anything.

Often a very few brave people will speak out againbst someone like Frank, especially considering his past threats and bullying tactics.

People like Dave want you to ignore the fact that Frank has made threats to have cop buddies arrest anyone who speaks out about him if he is able to find out who and where they are. I take these threats seriously. These facts alone speak to the truth of Frank Zhang being akin to a gangster, certainly it speaks to him being a scumbag, and someone of ill repute. Does Dave mention these facts? Of course not, because he is not privvy to these facts, or he works for Frank Zhang. Or, the third option is that he is just a loser with too much time on his hands, which might be self evident since he took the time to count hundreds of posts and create a score card.

Whatever the case may be, Frank has not only scared many people into silence, but with his swariming methods, having flunkies and friends attack anyone who speaks out, is it any wonder fewer people will come forward and speak out here? I think not.

It is funny, Dave wants you to believe the words against Frank are spurious, mainly because so few people have come forward. However so few have come forward because of the fact that Frank is so effective at scaring and intimidating people with his threats and BS. Not hard to do since he deals with a lot of people who are not legal workers here, and if they devulge too much info, he will know who they are, not good for them. Therefore, the conclusion he is trying to reach, that the words against old Frankie boy hold little wieght since so few have come forward, well, that conclusion is the one which holds no weight. Few have come forward, not because of lack of people to complain, but because of threats by mister Zhang, which further prove our point about him, that he is a petty bully, and indeed he does protest far too much.

If our words are baseless and he is so honorable and honest, why would he need to retaliate, speak out, threaten, cajole, and post with so many alter egos, if we were wrong? The truth would sort itself out, wouldn't it?

The truth here is really quite obvious, but for some reason, people like Dave want to distract you from the truth, and obscure what is obvious, that being that frank Zhang is indeed all that has been claimed, and more. No wonder he protests so much, when if he were smart, or innocent, he'd just shut up. Case closed.

Messages In This Thread
Frank Zhang - Facts and Figures. -- Dave -- 2008-04-22
Re: Frank Zhang - Facts and Figures. -- Choatle -- 2008-04-25
Re: Frank Zhang - Facts and Figures/Open mouth - insert foot. -- Casual Observer -- 2008-05-02
Re: Frank Zhang - Facts and Figures/Open mouth - insert foot. -- Nspeaker -- 2008-05-02
Re: Frank Zhang - Facts and Figures. -- Batman -- 2008-04-27
Re: Frank Zhang - Facts and Figures. -- John -- 2008-04-24
"Chinglish" and All That -- Yingwen Laoshi -- 2008-04-23
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