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SeoulTravel - 2008-06-13

Modern English Studio Seoul, Korea

On the outside, Modern English Studio looks like an amazing English institute. The studio is clean and well presented. The staff are very nice people and well dressed. The managers are friendly and schmooze with success. Once you penetrate the outside of this company you come to realize how disgusting and morally horrible the management of this company is.

I was not fired; I left on my own terms. However, during my time working at MES I have counted no less than 14 incidents that have occurred due to or as a direct result of disgusting practices by management. I will name them now because if you are considering a job with this company, I strongly advise that you consider other options.

In chronological order:

I was reprimanded for writing a NICE email to a prospective teacher. Management found out and told me that all correspondence with other people about the company was a fireable offence (including positive correspondence).

Someone in management felt up an employee outside work hours and it was not consensual.

Someone in management makes many comments regarding employees sexuality and religious choices making almost all employees extremely uncomfortable.

New employee is fired after ONE day. Two people in management turn up at her apartment and the conversation is as follows:
Someone in management: We dont think this is going to work out, when can you leave your apartment?
Employee: In a couple of days?
Someone in management: Were thinking more like minutes.

Two people in management stood there and watched the employee pack before putting on the street. No reimbursed airfare. No phone. No support. She flew in from NYC and was literally stranded by the company in a foreign country.

One employee quits in protest about this, another does a runner and leaves overnight in protest.

One month later, another employee is fired after ONE day because he is not good looking enough.

Employee quits because he is disgusted with office politics.

Someone in management asks me to speak to an employee because she is too shy and unless I can fix her behavior he will fire her.

The same person in management asks me again to speak to an employee because she is a little down and he will fire her unless she gets more cheerful. I am only a teacher, not management and this situation made me feel VERY uncomfortable.

I refuse to sign a document written entirely in Korean (I cant read Korean). Someone in management is so angry I wouldnt sign it, a meeting was arranged to fire me (I was not fired).

There are 2 sick days a year. We get paid aprox. USD$20 an hour. If you are sick more than 2 days then the company deducts USD$30 an hour from your pay. I know, it makes no sense. Not only would you lose your salary for that day, you would also end up having to pay extra money to MES.

During my training, Someone in management was very happy to inform me and the other new employee that we would receive Chuseok week off for holidays. Two weeks ago they changed their mind and denied ever mentioning that and that I was lying and must be wrong. The result: One less week of holiday.

MES management fire employee with two days notice. He has 3 months left on his contract. A good employee, a good person and probably the least controversial person in the company. MES offers him a pro-rated bonus and nothing else. He is given 1 week to leave his apartment. Reason for firing: He is a GOOD teacher, but does not PR outside of work enough. PR is not part of our contract, nor is spending personal time with students.

In the companies 18 months it has been open there have been aprox. 30 teachers who have worked there. In 18 months, only ONE teacher has finished a 12-month contract. Everyone else has either been fired or quit in protest.

Person in management "A":
Currently being sued for sexual harassment of a past secretary and touching himself in front of her in an inappropriate way. He was also drug tested by the police at work last month. A very nice man when he is not drinking, however he has come to work a few occasions smelling of alcohol with very red eyes. Unfortunately the nice man can disappear in a second and he can be a morally despicable person.

Person in management "B":
Obsessed with looks. Botox, fake tanning, fake boobs, fake personality. If you are good looking she will be your best friend, if you are average, dont expect favors. She told me during training that I was employed because I was good looking. Forget my degrees and experience, it was all about looks.

Person in management "C":
The most shallow man Ive ever met. If possible, more obsessed with looks than "B". This guy pulls all the strings. "A" and "B" are like his dogs and bend to his every will. This man has fired a person because she did not say hello to him in the mornings (that is a quote from "C").

I realize this is a very long post. I could write more, but everything written above I have seen or experienced first hand. If you look around for more background on this company I am sure you will find more negative comments from past employees. Take it as you will, but I strongly encourage you to find alternate positions before taking up employment with Modern English Studio.

I encourage past employees to add their own experiences to this post.

Messages In This Thread
Modern English Studio, Seoul Korea -- SeoulTravel -- 2008-06-13
Re: Modern English Studio, Seoul Korea -- what can I expect -- 2009-08-21
Re: Modern English Studio, Seoul Korea -- Theo -- 2009-08-21
Re: Modern English Studio, Seoul Korea -- Alec Baldwin -- 2009-04-22
Re: Modern English Studio, Seoul Korea -- Ana -- 2009-04-01
Re: Modern English Studio, Seoul Korea -- Proud Hairy Man -- 2009-04-02
Re: Modern English Studio, Seoul Korea -- molly -- 2009-04-01
Re: Modern English Studio, Seoul Korea -- Charlotte -- 2009-02-24
Re: Modern English Studio, Seoul Korea -- Been there, too -- 2009-04-01
Re: Modern English Studio, Seoul Korea -- Been There; Done That -- 2008-07-28
Re: Modern English Studio, Seoul Korea -- Confusion -- 2008-09-11
Re: Modern English Studio, Seoul Korea -- Thank you! -- 2008-06-19
Re: Modern English Studio, Seoul Korea -- BigAppleBob -- 2008-06-14
Re: Modern English Studio, Seoul Korea -- mark higgins -- 2009-01-03
Re: Modern English Studio, Seoul Korea -- SeoulTravel -- 2009-01-13
Modern English Studio - no more? -- Curious -- 2010-07-05
Re Modern English Studio - no more? -- Dave Park's ghost -- 2011-01-12
Re Modern English Studio - no more? -- interloper -- 2011-04-06
Re Modern English Studio - no more? -- SeoulTravel -- 2011-04-05
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