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Choatle - 2008-07-13
In response to LCI KIDS CLUB GWANGJU (Brandon)

I can't help but laugh at this Brandon fellows post. Talk about an Uncle Tom mentality, I believe I spoke of this in my questions post in regards to people who will do and put up with anything.

The fellow does make a great effort to sound calm, rational, and well spoken, however he doesn't actually "say" anything.

You can always tell the bogus people who don't have a leg to stand on from the people who have a legitimite gripe, the people who have a legite gripe tend to be specific about "what" that gripe is. This fellow just casts vague dispersions on the fellow who worked for, and complained about this fellows current place of employment. If you are going to complain about someone and there is a real problem, than you name the problem specifically, otherwise your critiques carry no weight, and I would indeed call you a whiner.

He says "J was bad at his job" exact words. How exactly was he bad at his job? Hmm, too big a quesiton I suppose, guess it's just easier to bad mouth someone instead of give real concrete reasons for your arguements, and tell us why he was actually bad. Let's move on.

He says J was not willing to sit down and talk with his boss about his life and his concerns? So what, what exactly does this critique even mean. You now actually do name a fact, but you don't tell us what it is supposed to mean. Is he a bad teacher because of this, a submarine mechanic because of this, a chef? Talk about vague. What exactly is the harm that was caused by this fact? The one time you name an instance specifically, yet you don't put a name to it in regards to what it means? He didn't avail himself of the chance to speak to his boss about problems, so you say. What doe's this mean in regards to anything, please enlighten us? Doe's it mean he was a fan dancer, he likes daisies? Could you be more vague?

You say J consistently ignored other teachers and made more work for them. Mind telling us how? I just find it odd how you think you can come on here, throw about vague accusations, and expect to be believed. For the people here to entertain your words there have to be specific instances named within your accounts to back them up. How did he create more work for the rest of you? What do you mean when you say he avoided other teachers? Did he ignore them completely? Not socialize much? If so, what are you claiming this has to do with his job performance? Beware folks of people who cast dispersions but do so with vague ambiguous accusations that give little if any detail.

I don't get it, you speak of peoples interests and hobbies, and than mention J is traveling, and he is good at it. What doe's that mean exactly. It sounds like your infering that he traveled more than he worked, or that he was just a backbacker and all he cared about is traveling. You get more and more vague as your post goes on, attacking this fellow in ever more subtle ways, so as to be free from being able to be disagreed with or debated on your points, because you have none. Very slick, but I've seen it all before Uncle Tom.

You had weekly meetings and J attended, what exactly is your complaint, that he was never too "keen" on them? If anyone here has taught kindergareten my qustion would be, "who would be"? Who cares if he did not like the meetings? If he was there he was doing his job. Seems to me like your reaching and searching for bad things to accuse J of, though as of yet I haven't heard one thing that actually comes close to an accusation, just a lot of mud slinging with no basis in actual events, else why not give those actual events. Your credibility is pretty thin at this point Brandon.

I find the next part you write amusing, and I have to wonder if English actually is your first language. It is quite plausible you are Korean, which would explain the overly formal way you speak. Many non native speakers can speak perfect English, but a trait many share is an overly formal way of speaking it, it's pretty easy to spot.

Anyhow, if English really is your first language, I'm surprised you think "Your child is still learning the vocabulary and does very well when he is paying attention" has the same meaning as "Your kid cannot speak English and fails to listen to me when I am talking." I mean come on pal, the two are not even close in meaning.

Also, how was he being a jerk? A good teacher should be honest, I find your sentence to be a complete lie, no such thing as bending the truth, a lie is lie, while J is being honest, and your lying through your teeth. Avoiding the truth is also in my mind a lie bucko, so don't try that lame arguement. If the kid ain't listening, than he ain't listening, I'm gonna lie about that? Please, again, where is the wrong action on this fellows part. Your words and your attitude are similiar to what whistle blowers who were superb employees before blowing the whistle that is, had to go through afterwards. Hmm.

You say J was kindly rewarded for doing next to nothing. Could you explain this? Calling the fellow lazy, which is what it seems like your doing, (because you don't seem to have the courage to accuse him of anything outright) means nothing without giving us examples. You can make any vague claim you like, but without backing it up, your just slinging mud, yet again.

You are only required to work three Saturdays a year? Good for you, what does that have to do with anything? Now your recruiting for your school, silently infering J had a problem with that as well maybe? Like I said, your sly, but I've seen you your type before Tommy boy.

As for naming your salary again, shamelessly trying to recruit, spare us, your post has the exact opposite effect, and has enamoured no one to you, or your school.

Your fed up with all the negative posts people place about their schools. Yes, I'm sure you are, what with it being your school and all that's being spoken ill of. Give us a break my Korean friend, or are you really expecting us to believe your a teacher there? If so, you have your hand in the cookie jar, no quesiton about that.

Word to the wise, and unwise. If your going to "try" and smear someone, do a better job than this fellow. Have real actual events you can speak to which point to the validity of your asseration. Don't just come here, make an assertion, and back it up with nothing but smoke, that just won't do at all. I'm all for both schools and teachers speaking the truth and defending themselves, but do it correctly, and honestly, don't cast dispersions and try to sully someone when you have nothing to actually speak of, and choose only to sling mud. Infering this fellow is bad and lazy and ungrateful while you can't actually give one single example of any such actions is irresponsible and just plain wrong.

Your school sounds like a place to be avoided if your actions in this post speak to it's quality. I'd advise people to avoid this place, bigtime.

Messages In This Thread
LCI KIDS CLUB GWANGJU -- Brandon -- 2008-07-12
Re LCI KIDS CLUB GWANGJU -- Dragonized -- 2011-02-23
Re: LCI KIDS CLUB GWANGJU -- J -- 2008-07-13
Re: LCI KIDS CLUB GWANGJU -- Choatle -- 2008-07-13
Re: LCI KIDS CLUB GWANGJU -- zebo -- 2008-07-13
Re: LCI KIDS CLUB GWANGJU -- J -- 2008-07-13
Re: LCI KIDS CLUB GWANGJU -- Carter -- 2008-07-13
Re: LCI KIDS CLUB GWANGJU -- J -- 2008-07-13
Re: LCI KIDS CLUB GWANGJU -- Tributary -- 2008-07-13
Re: LCI KIDS CLUB GWANGJU -- Matt -- 2008-10-15
Re: LCI KIDS CLUB GWANGJU -- Choatle -- 2008-07-14
Re: LCI KIDS CLUB GWANGJU -- J -- 2008-07-13
Re: LCI KIDS CLUB GWANGJU -- J -- 2008-07-13
Re: LCI KIDS CLUB GWANGJU -- Choatle -- 2008-07-13
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