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Torrence - 2009-01-04
In response to Aclipse (Jayson)

Aclipse is BOGUS. I have seen many postings from them and when you send them all of the paperwork they want, you never hear back from them. I know others who responded to their ads as well, all of which, like myself, have a Master's Degree with a DELTA and TESOL, and they never received a reply. This is likely one of those scams where they sell your data, or they are tracking people for some HR consulting projects. This is common in China as well where people post top dollar jobs, and get millions of replies. Later, around 4-months you'll start getting e-mails from some Chinese person you never heard of before offering you a job in China for the laughable wage of 9000 Yuan or less trying to convince you that it is a "good local wage" which of course is BS as they pocket 5000 or more per month of your salary as some people are stupid enough to sign a contract via a recruiter and later learn the job was budgeted for double what they are being paid.

Many of these so-called recruiters are Chinese people working from a laptop in some dorm room in Canada where they are students and their salary won't cut the expenses of living in a 1st world nation so they think they are clever and create bogus store fronts.

Aclipse is bad news by all accounts.

Angelina's Cafe is another one offering jobs from "5,000 to 35,000 RMB" per month in China. MORE BULL DUNG. I know people with two Ph.D.'s in China and none of them earn anywhere near 35,000 RMB per month so those jobs are more BS postings much like Aclipse. they post that crap to generate Web traffic and collect documents which for all you know, via Adobe Photoshop are now being altered and sold to some BS diploma mill in Africa.

If anyone reading this is stupid enough to send full sized scanned color copies of their passport and other credentials to a stranger, why not go all the way and post your social insurance or social security number, birth certificate, and credit card numbers and the 3-digit pin code to boot!

Aclipse is another store font, fly-by-night BS agency that some clown thought up and with good Web site skills, they look "real enough".

Do a background check on anyone wanting to hire you these days. Check the company. Run their Web site through someplace like and do a WHO IS check on the Web site address. With their physical address, check their validity with their local government. Then find out via the government who owns the company and then do a background check on the owners.

You will find that most likely at least 60% of the postings online are BS or have some other angle to make money off of you and your hard earned degrees.

Messages In This Thread
Aclipse -- Jayson -- 2009-01-03
Re: Aclipse -- Kads -- 2009-09-01
Re: Aclipse -- Torrence -- 2009-01-04
Re: Aclipse -- alex -- 2012-03-06
Re: Aclipse -- Robert Murphy -- 2011-01-16
Re: Aclipse -- Kikis -- 2011-01-06
Re: Aclipse -- Sean -- 2009-05-27
Re: Aclipse -- Scott -- 2010-08-19
Re: Aclipse -- Sean Daley -- 2010-08-19
Re: Aclipse -- Scott Hart -- 2010-08-20
Re: Aclipse -- Karen -- 2011-01-18
Re: Aclipse -- Sean Daley -- 2010-08-20
Re: Aclipse -- Scott -- 2010-08-21
Re: Aclipse -- Migrant Worker -- 2010-08-22
Re: Aclipse -- Beth -- 2012-02-29
Re: Aclipse -- Sean -- 2010-08-24
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