William - 2009-04-10

Hello, Everyone! In my experience with VIP China, l would highly recommend them as a teaching agency. l have been very impressed with them since l arrived in China. Their staff were friendly and welcoming to me, and made me feel at ease before finding me an appropriate school in provincial China. Everything was taken care of for me, from accommodation, to organise a visa, they even helped me board the train with my luggage to my teaching position.

The school in Anhui province they placed me in is the best in the county, the school building itself is very imposing and impressive, the staff here are very supportive, and the students' are diligent and eager to learn. l have a great apartment on campus, and l have e-mailed everyone l know back in Australia to tell them just how good it is.

This has been a wonderful experience for me, not only to teach, but also to learn in one of the worlds most fascinating countries.


William Duncanson

Messages In This Thread
VIP China -- William -- 2009-04-10
Re: VIP China -- Nono -- 2012-07-23
Re: VIP China -- Mrs Duncanson -- 2009-04-11
Re: VIP China -- cynic! -- 2009-04-10
Re: VIP China -- Native Speaker of English -- 2009-04-11
Re: VIP China -- Mitch -- 2010-06-13

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