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Frey - 2009-05-09

Update on the situation.
Since the locks were changed at the apartment they supplied for me and I lost most of my belongings, I've been keeping my head down and with limited funds I'll have to do something soon or leave China.
In reality I don't have enough money for a flight home so I'm still hoping that the school will pay me.
I was threatened by 2 phones calls and sms messages and told not to contact them again.

Contacts for Dream Education TC are Violet Wu, Josh and James.

I was working for a middle school through the TC.

What happened was on the last day before the May holiday, I had planned to go to Guangzhou for a few days after school.
At the school after being locked out of the teacher's office, I went into another teacher's office, found a vacant desk with computer, asked the neighbouring teacher if I could use it, she said yes so I did for 40 minutes until the teacher came back. Then I said ok that I would just save my work and get off it. He went away then came back with another teacher then they both shouted at me that I should not use the computer that it was just what a foreigner would do. Being shouted at and insulted by 2 Chinese teachers I shouted back, then a crowd of teachers gathered. Then I left and went down to the rest room as it was almost time for lunch and lessons had finished. I thought nothing more of it until I was called by Ms Wu and ordered to meet her. A meeting she did not show up. After a threatening phone call by Josh telling me that I must not go back to my apartment or I would be in trouble I decided to go to Guangzhou as planned.
On the Monday I returned to find the locks had been changed and that was when I received more threatening phone calls and sms.

I hope that they read this and will pay me what I am due as I feel I must do something more about this.

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